Weed strain

Dabbing Into the World Of Weed Shatter: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

Learn all about weed shatter! Find out how it's made, its unique forms & why it's so popular in the cannabis community. Also, buy weed online now.

A Quick and Easy Guide to Weed Shatter

Over the years, a new way to use cannabis called shatter has become really popular. People in the cannabis community are super excited about it. 

But what is shatter, and why do so many people love it?

Well, talking about the THC shatter and all, shatter is a really strong form of cannabis. Some folks might mix it up with other cannabis stuff because they look similar and have similar THC levels. 

Most people don’t really understand the shatter vs weed difference. This can be confusing, especially if you’re new to using concentrates. 

This is where we can help.

In this guide, we’ll help you understand more about shatter vs weed—what it is, how people use it, and how to tell it apart from other types of cannabis concentrates. 

Let’s dive deep and clear up the mystery around shatter! Shall we? 

Most weed strains have more than 20% of the powerful stuff called THC. But guess what? If you're really after a super strong experience, 20% is just not going to cut it. Not even close.

What is Shatter Weed? 

Imagine a world where 90% of the good stuff in marijuana comes to life. 

It’s pretty amazing, especially when you think about how experts have made regular marijuana plants way stronger nowadays. 

Most weed strains have more than 20% of the powerful stuff called THC. But guess what? If you’re really after a super strong experience, 20% is just not going to cut it. Not even close.

So, what do the hardcore cannabis fans do? They turn to things like honey, oil, budder, and bubble-melt hash. 

All cool options, but let me tell you, not many of them hit as hard as shatter weed. It’s like getting a kick from a donkey – intense and unforgettable.

How is Weed Shatter Made? 

Shatter is like a special kind of super-concentrated cannabis extract, and it’s part of a group called “dabs.” 

Dabs are extracts that pack a punch with lots of THC shatter and CBD. You’ve got different types of these extracts oil, sap, budder, taffy, honey, and wax – all part of the cannabis magic.

So, how do they make weed shatter? It’s a bit like a cooking process. They soak the marijuana plant in butane, heat it, and get rid of the butane, and what’s left is called Butane Hash Oil (BOH). 

Shatter is a specific type of BOH, and it’s super strong. Wondering why? Well, it involves a cool science trick. The butane grabs onto the crystal-like hairs (trichomes) on the marijuana bud’s surface.

When they heat it and remove the butane, what’s left are these crystal-like concentrates full of THC, terpenes, CBD, and more – basically, all the good stuff in marijuana. 

Everything else, like plant material, doesn’t make the cut. This process is like a secret recipe, and all the extracts related to BOH follow the same awesome principle.

Shatter weed is like the cool kid on the cannabis block, but its story goes back to the olden days of making hashish. 

What’s the History of Shatter?

Shatter weed is like the cool kid on the cannabis block, but its story goes back to the olden days of making hashish. 

In the late 1990s, the way people made powerful cannabis extracts was getting a modern makeover. And voila, Weed Shatter was born!

Way back in 1989, a writer named D. Gold updated his book, “Cannabis Alchemy: The Art of Modern Hashmaking,” giving us the first-ever guide on making hash. 

Then, in 1990, medical tech Michael Starks updated his book too, spilling the secrets of hash-making. These books were like treasure maps leading to the birth of Shatter Weed.

Fast forward to 2003, and a Canadian cannabis expert named BudderKing stepped into the spotlight. 

He introduced the world to budder and weed shatter, and suddenly, these products were on the shelves of dispensaries. Shatter officially became part of the cannabis family!

In 2005, Cannabis Culture magazine spilled the beans on how to make weed shatter. It’s like a guidebook for anyone curious about the cool, new way of enjoying cannabis. 

People started catching on, and shatter weed became a go-to choice for many.

Dabbers and concentrate fans started shouting everywhere, “If it doesn’t shatter, it doesn’t matter!” 

Well, shatter goes by many cool nicknames, and each one tells a bit of its story.

What Are The Different Names For Shatter? 

Well, shatter goes by many cool nicknames, and each one tells a bit of its story. Let’s take a look:

  • Wax: Shatter’s Shape-Shifting Sidekick: Imagine weed shatter turning into something flexible, like wax you can mold. 

That’s where the name “Wax” comes from – a nod to Shatter’s ability to change forms.

  • Shatter Weed: The Strongest Bloom in the Cannabis Garden: In the world of cannabis, weed shatter stands out as the heavyweight, earning the nickname “Shatter Weed.” 

It’s like the strongest flower in the garden, promising a powerful experience.

  • Honey Oil: Liquid Gold from the Cannabis Hive: Think of shatter weed as liquid gold, flowing like honey from a hive. 

That’s why it’s sometimes called “Honey Oil.” It’s like an elixir, sweet and potent.

  • Dab: The Ritualistic Dance with Concentrates: When it’s time to take in weed shatter, people call it a “Dab.” 

It’s like a special ritual, a dance between fire and concentrate, making the experience feel almost sacred.

  • BHO (Butane Hash Oil): Magic in the Making: “BHO” is like the magic spell behind shatter. It stands for Butane Hash Oil, revealing the alchemy involved in creating weed shatter. 

It’s a bit like a modern-day wizardry.

  • Sap: Nature’s Resin Masterpiece: In the natural world of cannabis, shatter takes on the name “Sap.” 

It’s like the resin, or sap, of the plant, embodying the essence and strength of cannabis.

  • Amber: A Timeless Treasure: Picture shatter as a treasure frozen in time – that’s where the name “Amber” comes from. 

It’s like a relic from the past, capturing the history of cannabis.

  • Budder: Shatter’s Artistic Alter Ego: “Budder” is like Shatter’s artsy side. Imagine it as a sculpted masterpiece, showing off the craft and consistency that goes into making shatter.

With lots of terpenes, shatter becomes less like glass and more like taffy, stretching and pulling in a graceful dance.

What Is The Consistency of Shatter?

With lots of terpenes, shatter becomes less like glass and more like taffy, stretching and pulling in a graceful dance.

  • THCA’s Touch: THCA is a big player in how weed shatter feels. When there’s more THCA, shatter can either become brittle, like it crumbles easily, or pliable, like it’s easy to shape. 

It’s like two different dances with shatter, each with its charm.

  • Hands and Tools: If you like getting hands-on, break off a piece of shatter with your fingers—it might leave a bit of stickiness. 

But if you prefer precision, there are tools called dabbers. They’re like magic wands made of stainless steel or glass, helping you measure weed shatter doses without any accidental burns.

What Does Shatter Look Like?

Shatter, the final act of turning cannabis into something cool, looks like a big, hard slab. It’s kind of see-through, like caramel or maple syrup, but with colours like amber or honey. 

Imagine touching it, and it breaks easily, just like glass—hence the name “shatter.”

When you see weed shatter on the streets, it’s like finding golden flakes, almost like amber pieces scattered around. 

But here’s the fun part: depending on how it’s made, weed shatter can also be gooey like wax, honey-like, or even as soft as butter. 

It’s like a mini adventure exploring the colours and textures of shatter in the world of cannabis.

Shatter is famous for being strong because it has a lot of THC. You only need a little bit for it to work well, especially if you suddenly feel pain.

Shatter’s Good Side – Quick and Cost-Friendly Benefits

Shatter, a special kind of cannabis stuff, has some cool benefits:

  • Super Strong: Shatter is famous for being strong because it has a lot of THC. You only need a little bit for it to work well, especially if you suddenly feel pain.
  • Works Fast: If you choose to use shatter by dabbing, it works really quickly. You can feel its effects in just a few minutes.
  • Saves Money: Shatter is smart on your wallet because a tiny bit goes a long way. It’s a good option if you want relief but don’t want to spend too much.
  • No Smoke, No Problem: When you use shatter weed, there’s no smoke. Even though we’re not totally sure if it’s better for your lungs, it seems like a healthier choice.
  • Stays Fresh: Shatter can wait patiently for a long time without losing its power. It’s like a reliable friend that’s always there when you need it.

Easy Guide to Using Cannabis Shatter

There are two easy and best ways to consume shatter: 

  • Dabbing: You heat a little bit of shatter on something hot, then breathe in the vapour with a dab rig. It gives quick effects but needs special tools like a dab rig and a lamp.
  • Vaping: Vaping shatter is a softer way to enjoy it. Use a special vape pen, and it gives a milder high compared to dabbing. It’s easy and needs a vape pen made for cannabis concentrates.

Have a special home for cannabis shatter, away from heat and light. Put it in a tight container to keep it powerful.

Tips For Safe Cannabis Shatter Use:

  • Keep it Safe: Have a special home for cannabis shatter, away from heat and light. Put it in a tight container to keep it powerful.
  • Start Little, Go Slow: Begin with a small amount. Slowly increase to feel the effects. It’s better to go slow and enjoy the journey than rush and feel too much.
  • Think about Where You Are: Use cannabis shatter in a cozy, safe place. It can be strong, so avoid using it with other things like drugs or alcohol, especially if you’re doing important things like driving. 

Stay safe and enjoy!

Best Way to Buy Weed Online in Canada: 

In Canada, MMJ Express is the best place to buy cannabis online. It’s not just about selling a product; it’s about crafting an entire experience. 

You see, most people can’t really determine the right place to buy BC bud online. And we do understand the pain of web searching, scrolling, product comparisons and everything else.

To buy cannabis online with MMJ Express is as simple as taking a walk in the park. No need to go anywhere – just hop online and buy weed online. 

The best part? Everything comes to your doorstep. Simple and convenient!

Choosing the right online dispensary in Canada to buy weed online in Canada is important for the best weed shatter experience. 

MMJ Express – Your Trusted Cannabis Destination

Choosing the right online dispensary in Canada to buy weed online in Canada is important for the best shatter weed experience. 

And MMJ Express is your go-to spot to order weed online. Think of them as your friendly guide, simplifying your journey into their online weed dispensary. 

To buy weed online in Canada from MMJ Express is as easy as chatting with a friend. The experience is not only straightforward but also delightful. 

MMJ Express is more than just an online dispensary in Canada – it’s your best spot to buy cannabis online in Canada. 

Plus, they make it even better by customizing your order according to your needs. It’s like having a tailor for your BC bud online preferences!

Click over to MMJ Express for your trusted partner in the cannabis journey, where variety meets simplicity, and they’ve got just what you need.

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