The Indica Bud Lover’s Guide: 5 Must-Try Strains from Our Premium Dispensary

Why Indica Bud Strains Are Canada’s Favorite Type Of Cannabis?
Fans of indica buds know that not all cannabis strains are created equal. But how different are indica pot strains from sativas?
There are lots of cannabis indica strains on the market today. This high number may overwhelm you, especially if you are a new consumer. There are also other types of weed, including sativas and hybrids.
So, what should you consider when you buy cannabis online? If you settle for indicas, what are the top 5 indica pot strains at our BC bud online weed dispensary?
In this indica pot strains guide, we look at indica buds, their history and their effects to help you determine if they are the best option for you. We will also look at some of the most popular high-THC indica strains at our online dispensary in Canada.
If you are looking for indica strains, order weed online at MMJ Express, the leading online weed dispensary in the country. Now, what are indicas, and how did they come about?

The History of Indica Pot Strains
Indica is not a newly discovered species of cannabis. The first species of cannabis was first described in 1753, more than two centuries ago, when a Swedish biologist and physician, Carl Linnaeus, classified Cannabis sativa L. with the modern taxonomic nomenclature system.
At this point, Carl Linnaeus believed that there was only one species of cannabis. That changed a few years later when a French biologist and academic, Jean Baptiste de Lamarck, classified a second species of cannabis.
Lamarck named this newly classified species Cannabis indica Lam. Indica meant ‘of India’ or ‘from India’ as he had used some plant samples collected from India.
Indica doesn’t mean ‘in da couch’ as it’s popularly believed. However, this slang name sometimes comes in handy when explaining the couch lock effects that the indica strains are known for.
While the indica name was first introduced over 270 years ago, it wasn’t popular until the 1970s when Cannabis sativa was classified as a Schedule I drug in Canada, the US and Australia.
Indicas became popular as many people arrested with cannabis would claim it was not cannabis sativa but cannabis indica, which wasn’t mentioned in the Act. This defence was mostly unsuccessful, but it brought to the public’s attention the second species of cannabis.
Indica pot strains have been popular since. So, what exactly are indica strains? And what does indica do?

What are Indica Pot Strains?
At our online weed dispensary, we have hundreds of strains on sale at all times. As you will notice, some are labelled indica bud, sativa or hybrid. So, what exactly are indica pot strains?
Indica is a species of cannabis native to the Hindu Kush mountains in Southern Asia, the home of legendary indicas, including the Hindu Kush strain and Afghani. The Hindu Kush mountain range stretches 800 kilometres through Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.
The climate of the Hindu Kush region is very harsh. As such, the indica pot strains had to adapt to survive.
The indica buds mature faster to take advantage of the short periods when the conditions can support growth, flowering and reproduction. They also grow shorter and bushier with broad leaves to absorb as much sunlight as possible.
They have woody stalks and they produce densely packed and compact nugs that produce more resin than sativas. More resin serves to protect the nugs from harsh environments.
So, what does indica do?
Cannabis indica strains are known for their extremely relaxing indica effects. This is known as a body high, and it may lead to sedation and eventually couch lock.
Couch lock is a state of utter sedation caused by indica buds where you are unable to do anything but lie on the couch. High-THC indica strains are also known to put even the most experienced enthusiasts to sleep.

Indica Pot Strains Vs Sativas
Now that you know what indicas are, how do they compare to other types of cannabis? How do high THC indica strains do?
When you buy cannabis online, you will likely come across a cannabis indica or sativa strain. There is a third species of cannabis known as Ruderalis, but this is pretty uncommon.
Sativa and indicas are the most common types of weed, which is why the conversation has always been sativa vs indica buds. Some even disregard the hybrid section entirely, despite most of the strains at BC bud online dispensary in Canada being hybrids.
So, how do indica pot strains compare to sativas?
Sativa is a species of cannabis that is native to the warmer parts of Asia, the Americas, and Africa. Due to the geographical and climate differences, they also have distinct properties that set them apart from indica buds.
Sativa strains are simply the stark opposite of indica pot strains. While indicas grow short and bushy, sativas grow tall and lanky and aren’t as bushy.
Sativas also produce narrow leaves; their buds are large but fluffy, light, and airy. The differences, however, aren’t all physical. They also have varying effects.
While indica pot strains will mainly induce relaxing body effects, sativas produce a primarily mental high. This is known to be uplifting and energizing.
Depending on how much you consume, the mental high may spark creativity, making sativas the go-to strains for tasks that require out-of-the-box thinking. Their mentally stimulating high that sometimes doesn’t affect focus makes them excellent for wake-and-bake and daytime consumption.
If you are in the market for a relaxing cannabis nug or a nighttime strain, you are better off with an indica bud. We recommend consuming indica pot strains in the evenings when unwinding or at night before retiring to bed.
Are you looking for high-quality sativa or indica buds? Buy cannabis online at MMJ Express, the leading BC bud online dispensary in Canada, for premium weed at the lowest prices in the market.

Indica Buds Vs Hybrid Strains
Before we delve deeper into this section, most strains in the market today, even those labelled as pure indica or sativa at any BC bud online dispensary in Canada, are hybrids.
However, few reputable dispensaries, such as MMJ Express, still offer authentic and high-quality indica and sativa nugs. So, what are the differences between indica buds and hybrids?
A hybrid is a cannabis strain created by crossbreeding two strains, usually an indica and sativa. These often combine both sativa and indica bud genetics.
Hybrids are created to deliver the best of both sides. However, some breeders have crossed sativas with indicas to create strains that mature faster and produce high yields.
A hybrid strain can either be sativa dominant or indica dominant. This is usually expressed in percentage, which is why you will often come across 80% to 20% sativa-to-indica bud ratio hybrids, 50% to 50% hybrids, and so on.
If a hybrid is sativa dominant, it will provide more sativa-like effects. Its high will be mostly energizing, motivating and mentally oriented. This mental high will often be accompanied by a relaxing body high.
If a hybrid is indica dominant, its high will mostly be relaxing. Well-balanced hybrids produce the best of both sides.
Looking high-quality, accurately labelled cannabis? Order weed online at MMJ Express, the leading dispensary for premium cannabis at the lowest prices.
What Does Indica Do to You? The Effects
What will high THC indica strains make you feel? What kind of effects are indica strains known for?
As mentioned above, indica strains are the opposite of sativas. Indicas often have higher levels of CBD, which affects the overall experience.
They also typically have higher levels of myrcene, which is the most common terpene in cannabis. Myrcene is associated with strains that offer relaxing effects. So, what does indica bud do?
Indica strains, as previously mentioned, tend to provide a heavily relaxing body high. This often begins as a tingling feeling in the head or neck regions before it washes over your whole body.
This wave of relaxing effects will soothe all joints and muscles, eliminating all aches, pain and tension that may be slowing you down. Depending on how much you consume or whether you are using high THC indica strains, you may experience couchlock.
Couchlock is the state of utter sedation caused by indica strains where you are unable to be productive, so you lie down on the couch before falling into a deep sleep. Most indica highs will end in deep sleep, so they are best consumed in the evening or at night.
Buy cannabis online at MMJ Express today to enjoy premium indica effects.

Top 5 High THC Indica Strains at Our Online Weed Dispensary
Are you looking to order weed online in Canada? Here are the top 5 indica buds at our MMJ Express, the leading Bc bud online weed dispensary.
1. Ice Cream Cake
This is one of the most popular indica strains at our dispensary. It is a cross between the deliciously potent Gelato 33 and Wedding Cake strains.
As the name suggests, this strain has a delicious aroma and flavour, but don’t let that fool you. The effects kick in hard and fast, and before you know it, you are utterly sedated before you drift away to sleep.
2. Death Bubba
Death Bubba is a popular indica-dominant hybrid strain with a 70% to 30% indica-to-sativa ratio. This strain is a descendant of the famous Bubba Kush strain.
The Death Bubba strain is known for its high THC levels that range between 25% and 27%, making it one of the most potent cannabis indica strains. This strain is known for inducing a long-lasting, peaceful, almost death-like sleep, hence the name.
This strain’s effects almost always end up with couchlock. It’s therefore best consumed in the evenings as you prepare for bed.
3. Pink Rockstar
Pink Rockstar is a popular indica-dominant hybrid created through a cross between the infamous Pink Kush and Rockstar Kush strains. This bud has a 70% to 30% indica to sativa ratio.
As such, you can expect primarily relaxing effects, although they may be preceded by a slightly uplifting and energizing cerebral lift.
4. Mike Tyson Indica Bud
The Mike Tyson is a rare 100% pure indica strain created by Canna Clinic. This strain is said to be a descendant of the famous OG Kush strain.
Named after the former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson, this strain packs a powerful punch of indica effects. We urge caution with this bud as it is known to knock out even the most experienced enthusiasts.
5. Couch Lock
This strain tells you what to expect right there in the name. Couch Lock is an indica-dominant hybrid with an 85:15 indica-to-sativa ratio.
Couch Lock is known for its heavy body high that culminates in couchlock.

Where to Buy High THC Indica Strains Online in Canada?
Are you looking for high-quality indica buds? Indica strains are known for their deeply relaxing and soothing body high, a characteristic that makes them excellent for managing conditions such as insomnia and chronic pain.
If you are looking for high-quality indica pot strains, order weed online at MMJ Express today. MMJ Express is the leading cannabis dispensary in Canada, known for offering premium buds at the lowest prices.
Buy cannabis online from us today and enjoy country-wide shipping.