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  1. 38241

    Mikayla Howell –

    this is medical grade purity

  2. 38241

    Jack Furniss –

    After about 15 minutes, the relaxation really kicked in and my body was powerless to the relaxing effect that took hold

  3. 26720

    Milt Zewig –

    Won't be disappointed. Eliminates pain and nausea.

  4. 26720

    Mike Korpi –

    It's so potent it's unbelievable especially when you have a high tolerance.

  5. 114804

    Bobbie Moon –

    6 star strain!

  6. 114804

    Kimmie Young –

    Heavier on the indica but still good day time hybrid.

  7. 121049

    Ryan Camel –

    The sleep was sooooo nice and I woke up feeling light and comfy

  8. 121049

    Grace Lee –

    Really full bodied high comes on slow, starts from the top or the head and down the spine

  9. 102034

    Serena Ramirez –

    Awesome strain for kicking back after a long day makes food more flavourful.

  10. 102034

    Ivy Chiles –

    This is some smiley-ass weed