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  1. 57816

    Joe –

    Good for after work to relax.

  2. 60346

    Diana –

    Very nice ..relaxing for sure

  3. 147912

    Edwin –

    Killer great strain for pain relief

  4. 148460

    Donna –

    A wonderful gift from God.

  5. 148758

    Mae –

    Great sedative and pain relieving qualities.

  6. 139857

    Frank –

    Very potent but it comes on softly. Lasts hours on end.

  7. 139851

    Wilson Viau –

    Easy going and relaxing but still able to go about daily business.

  8. 104208

    Nathan Hills –

    Nice, relaxed feel. Eurphoric.

  9. 139845

    Joseph Blanchard –

    It tasted awesome and was really smooth in every way

  10. 136998

    James Elton –

    Helps a little with pain and relaxes your daily stress.