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  1. 49123

    Robert McBride –

    It is a great pain management strain and very good for sleep.

  2. 49123

    Boti Rivera –

    My favourite night time strain. It tastes AMAZING and leaves me totally relaxed.

  3. 63406

    Damien Imbruglia –

    it's giving me one of the best head-to-body buzzes I've ever had

  4. 63406

    Alexis Felinni –

    Hands down one of the best strains I have ever had the pleasure of smoking. Truly an uplifting strain, made me highly, talkative and happy.

  5. 187614

    Jeremy Mcmichael –

    I love this. Gets me through the day without pain.

  6. 187614

    Emily Kabira –

    Even if you are an avid smoker, this strain will hit you like a ton of bricks after not even three puffs. What I like most about it is the potency and the taste.

  7. 7489

    Stefan Davidson –

    Great for sleep and relaxation

  8. 7489

    Martell Moore –

    I usually stick to sativa but this was amazing stuff. Very great body high and some sleepiness and relaxing effects.

  9. 184961

    Marty Hill –

    one hit on this after an anxious, stressful day had me feeling pretty good

  10. 184961

    Angie Reeve –

    every day user here and i gotta say this is the best I've ever smoked