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DasDaShiet –
didn't find the effects to be too sleepy, it was a nice way to take the stress off after my work day
Greener Grass –
This stuff is fantastic! Totally worth every penny.
Greener Grass –
What a nice buzz! Gonna go finish it now but I'll be back... FOR MORE!
Greener Grass –
Strawberry????? say no more. My fav is strawberry anything so I just had to grab some of this. The taste, and the super relaxing high was just top notch! Can't get any better than this.
a real G –
What a marvelous smoke. Really got me up there without experiencing anxiety or paranoia.
a real G –
This one had a very nice clean smooth smoke to it. I didn’t cough a lot and felt quite calm. I also thought it smells very nice.
a real G –
Super calming and relaxing experience.
K. Valdes –
Great hybrid in my opinion. Mellow yet uplifting.
K. Valdes –
Gives me a big boost of energy! Absolutely unbelievable.
K. Valdes –
It is good for getting relaxed and watching movies and stuff like that. It is not very heavy stuff to keep you in to couch lock.