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Coop_er –
Love the nice, mellow feeling of this one!
Liam__ –
Nice beautiful dense buds.. some amazing orange hairs. An overall amazing strain that, for me, started off with a calming wave over the head and body, which then flourished into a happy and productive mindset that kept me smiling at the finer things in life. I recommend this to anyone! Perfect for the morning, noon, or early evenings. Love it!
Liam__ –
An outstanding bud. Great taste and smell. A real smooth smoke. The effects were almost instant after my first hit. The high was energetic and relaxing at the same time This is one of my favorites hands down. The bud I received had a very nice light green color to it and smelled amazing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Liam__ –
Great bud! I was tripping in slow motion but the come down was surprisingly clean. Great product and amazing service. Quick delivery. Awesome.
souper –
This is the best strain for focus and energy. I use before the gym and it makes my workouts perfect.
souper –
souper –
Uplifting, positive feeling. Not overwhelming so you can get a lot done and feel great while doing it. 5 star 🙂
hffvby –
My head feels like it floating above my body. I can function and yet am sleepy.
hffvby –
Oh my goodness, It definitely tastes like cake frosting. The high hits hard and is long-lasting. Helps melt away any of my pain I'm holding on to.
frecks –
Top night time strain. 5/5. Super relaxed. Couch locker for sure.