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Patrick Star –
Pretty sudden rush soon after smoking, nice and calming body buzz.
Patrick Star –
Helped me focus on getting some things done around the house and chatting with friends at the same time.
Patrick Star –
Its a really nice light head high which was great for playing video games or doing art.
Kamehamehaaa –
I was so thrilled to see they were overly dry like from some other places I bought from loool but I really enjoyed it. Sweet with an earthy undertone - super yummy.
Kamehamehaaa –
Would definitely buy again. A great bang for your buck. Fabulous prices !!
Kamehamehaaa –
Slight coughing but I was really surprised by how calming it was. Overall good afterwards to relax and binge some TV thanks to social distancing. lol
B0081E5 –
The effects are moderately high and lasts an average of 2-3 hours.
B0081E5 –
I smoked it in a pipe and I love the smooth burn. Also love the taste and the smell. The buds are not sticky but they seem to make your mouth water, Super tasty flavour.
B0081E5 –
I smoke this when around others to help put me in a good mood when I'm anxious but I personally prefer something stronger for when I'm alone at home. 4.5.
Yakuza –
Got me super high and I just kept getting happier and more giggly every second.