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KiritoandAsuna –
You feel it in the very top of the head. Super happy and increased sense of well being.
tiannna –
Another one of my favorite strains! This one puts a smile on my face even through the toughest battles I’ve faced. It clears my mind and slows down the pace of my thoughts. This helps tremendously with Depression, OCD and other stuff related to that. Smoke some Alien rock candy to bring your feet right back down to earth and live presently in the moment. A beautiful Indica that to some will make them sleepy. But for me, I can function on this all day long.
KiritoandAsuna –
Was really excited to try Mango Tango!! High was pretty on point.
tiannna –
All it takes is 3 hits, and if you smoke a lot then a gram or 2... great stuff! definitely one of my favorites!
tiannna –
I love this strain! Makes you feel very relaxed and great, Anxiety reliever and what not.
Glizzy –
Really felt focused and ready for an adventure!
Glizzy –
The smell and taste of this kush is so tangy and citrusy. The flavour just rocks this world and the smoke is smooth. Really enjoyed the strain and would definitely buy again!
Glizzy –
This kush is hybrid heaven. I felt its effects immediately!
KyleOng90 –
A nice smoke, and had an overall pleasant experience. Got super comfy.
KyleOng90 –
It smells wonderfully sweet and pungent. I really enjoyed the uplifting high this strain produces.