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Montie –
Honey Bananas is an excellent strain. For me, the head high is subtle, but the relaxation feeling is really there. It help me with my migraines without having a couch lock, and i feel relaxed and happy on it. My migraines starts generally in the meddle of the night, so i wake up with it. This strain is the first one that i can use in the morning and still be able to do my things. I have tried different sativa strains in the morning, but for now i have not found one with the right high for me. Finding a hybrid strain that keeps me awake like Honey bananas does was a pleasant surprise!
Petey –
Petey –
Petey –
This is my favorite strain so far from MMJ. I love indica’s and this one is a heavy hitter for me! Perfect for night time use to unwind and ensure a goodnights sleep!
Anissa –
I’m happy, heavy, relaxed and mmmmmm 🙂 Stock up on this, it’s amazing ♥️
Anissa –
Intense body high, really relaxing. Helped me further enjoy family night (night out with friends) because my back constantly hurts. Totally relieved after a few tokes. I got home and near instantly crashed. It's very relaxing while leaving you quite lucid
Anissa –
Really good strain...sweet taste and good hits. Gets me stoned after a couple little bowls. Definitely recommend
gunnsang –
The best! So relaxing.
gunnsang –
Overall a good indica strain. You'll get a nice body high, gives you the munchies and you want to sleep and relax. Recommended for night time.
gunnsang –
Amazing aroma. Gonna smoke this with a mini bong. Relaxing body high followed by intense mind euphoria