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  1. 32342

    BitsofBacon –

    Great strong indica. Very mellow smoke, good taste. roll one up and try to finish a movie before you fall asleep.

  2. 33283

    BitsofBacon –

    Another great strain! Never lacks to give you that super body high and a mind releasing sensation. Allows me to become relax but not lazy, and puts me in my greatest moods. Will definitely smoke again!

  3. 32224

    MaryJaneJonas –

    Good quality and nice high! top shelf!

  4. 25253

    goat –

    Heavy indica. Felt sleepy during and after smoking. I say that because I would smoke during the day and would feel the need to take a nap. Definitely a night time use, you'll sleep like a baby.. I have really bad sleep insomnia and sleeping pills just aren’t doing it for me so I’ve moved exclusively to a marijuana solution and am sleeping more then I was when I was on medication

  5. 33509

    goat –

    A+ great taste! Definitely great to help get sleep...

  6. 9812

    goat –

    The smell is extremely unique. The color is exceptional as well. As others have said, this is a creeper. Not as numbing as other indicas, I was able to function during the peak. However, an hour or so in and I had to sleep. I woke up refreshed and with that signature indica afterglow.

  7. 33268

    Gummybear –

    Just overall a good, relaxing experience, the kind of "stay in your room watching/playing something" kind of high. Top notch.

  8. 20586

    Gummybear –

    I recommend this strain if you struggle with anxiety or have trouble relaxing. Death Star is the ultimate relaxant and definitely my top 5.

  9. 32880

    Gummybear –

    A Sativa Strain with Head High Power. Great for Adventurous Activity. Gives your mind an Intelligent Feel with overthinking effects. Can definitely be used to smoke by yourself

  10. 22465

    donuts –

    A very relaxing an calming effect. Great for night time and or a lazy couch day.