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A.Falco –
This strain has a deeply sedative, calming effect. It has a distracting, positive, thought provoking high. It felt like being in great spirits with a friend, who I was attracted to and giddy to hang out with. Very pleasant to smoke, tasty and sweet.
A.Falco –
Great strain to enjoy after a long day of work, chilling and next thing you know you’re couch locked watching a show snacking on something, then waking up from a good night sleep ?. Always forget to not to take too much but doesn’t fail to knock me out ?. I’ll say good for those who struggle to go to sleep.
A.Falco –
In my top 5. This one is great for mellowing me out after a long, stressful day and is great for pain. In higher doses it makes me introspective and sometimes cerebral.
AliceNM –
This weed is quite amazing, it escalates your high slowly but gives you the munchies ??
AliceNM –
Good for relaxing, relieving stress and pain. Good tasting
Pouty –
This strain can go either way. You can end up focused, creative, energetic, and uplifted. You can also end up sleepy, hungry, paranoid, and passing out on your best friend’s couch. Be prepared for either scenario..
Pouty –
One of my newest favorites strains. Smooth and sappy, can be smoked all day. Long lasting effects. Stony without couch lock
Pouty –
Hit fast and fun. Super happy and relaxed. A great body high. This is great for tv watching and falling asleep. A definite fav!
ItsJohnny –
Potent, quick acting, will relieve a lot of symptoms. I think if this was the strain I can smoke all the time it would be the one. Just an all around fast acting strain that can be a little bit on the couchlock side but it's okay for me as I am a late-night consumer anyways. Definitely can be a little overwhelming for newcomers so despairingly at first until you find the right dosage. One of the most potent strains out there for sure and you don't need a lot for its effects to take hold. For me just a small hit is all I need for it to work.
ItsJohnny –
Great high, so chill and relaxing.