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  1. 22465


    When I first got this strain, I had expected a more tired feeling, but I guessed wrong. This strain gave me a really nice mellow head high while also putting my body in a very relaxed state. I was able to focus on things and I didn't feel like a couch potato, too, which I love about this strain. Even though BNL doesn't give me a sleepy feeling the first couple of hours, its still a nice strain to smoke before bed.

  2. 31230


    My favourite strain by far. Amazing for my anxiety and joint pain. I love that I’m still able to fully function for work if I wanted or needed a smoke. But also relaxed and had a nice cerebral effect.

  3. 31411


    A great body high for productivity, but more in the get up and go sense. Great for group activity, happy and uplifting, very creative thought inducing, and a good light-on-my-feet-feeling. But not exactly “motivating” when you have things to get done. But close! Still a super great strain though 🙂 definitely going back for more!

  4. 31679


    I have had an interest in this strain since I've heard the name. It is such a peaceful soothing labeled bud, and certainly holds its promised benefits. I personally could not stop smiling. I felt great, relaxed, ready for bed. Great to snuggle up with and snack. Amazing for depression

  5. 31335


    Definitely a good first impression. The smoke itself was relatively smooth. Felt more like a functional indica for me.

  6. 31282


    Nice aroma, beautiful hairs, quick high.

  7. 30681

    nina del rey

    I found that this strain gave me a nice, relaxing calm. Helped me sleep and I would wake up the next day feeling refreshed with little to no pain at all. Definitely my go-to strain.

  8. 28883

    nina del rey

    Very dense, compact buds that burned soooo smooth. Strong happy high that makes me feel light and floaty. 🙂

  9. 15380

    nina del rey

    Hits you hard. Great for chillin by the pool taking in the sun and relaxing 🙂 One of my favorites.

  10. 23389


    Very nice strain. Hella munchies and super easy to fall asleep with. Slams you to the couch.