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  1. 8434

    mcrick –

    Giving this hash 5 stars because it more than deserves it. Absolutely the best of about a dozen I've tried since I discovered MOM's. I was not happy when my order arrived and found the count too small, 7 grams that I'm sure was really a healthy 3 1/2. The 3 1/2 gram Moroccan looked like 2 grams and the potency didn't compare to the Afghan. I ordered about $500 of indica products and sent me a free 3 1/2 of sativa. My order should have told the shipper I don't use sativa products. I really think that someone isn't paying attention when filling orders. It's cheaper to get customers to make a repeat purchase than to find new customers. If we're not satisfied not only are you likely to lose the individual customer's business, but if he or she posts negative online reviews, poor ratings about your business, it has the potential to cost you many more customers, too. It doesn't make sense to short us. Not when you consider that another MOM is just a click away. I will give MMJ another chance because this hash warrants it but c'mon guys you got to do better. I've been longwinded I know but had to say it.

  2. 9045

    Joker –

    I really liked this for baking. Much easier to deal with than weed. Also, takes much less and has a great kick. I would buy again.

  3. 8948

    Mclauren –

    I’m liking these mix n match options.. great way to see which strain is perfect for you.

  4. 13659

    Superpro –

    Excellent! Breaks into a powder, very good, strong buzz and great price.

  5. 9295

    Tom –

    Cookie was nice and fresh! Very strong made me so relaxed and calm i loved it

  6. 9304

    Martin –

    One of my favorites. A little goes a long way.

  7. 8399

    Turbo –

    These were perfect for someone like me that has a fairly low tolerance. Just a nice mellow high without that too high feeling of anxiety

  8. 8175

    Jysoo –

    An easy and tasty way to take your daily dose of CBD. Helped me feel less restless and tense after a long day at work, and tastes great!

  9. 12358

    Mickey –

    This tea is great! I drink a lot of tea and this is perfect for relaxation and pain relief. Easy to use as it steeps just like tea and very discreet

  10. 8439

    Farfalle007 –

    Good olde moroccan. Hasn’t changed since 1990, when it was sold as Zero-Zero, which was most likely exaggeration, but the point is that was the best hash available outside of Morocco. Great nose, very relaxing, zero anxiety. Apparently, mostly Indica. Great end of the day smoke for watching a movie. You’ll sleep good and wake up rested and relaxed.