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SicMac –
Nice diamond to work with no mess. More on the lighter side of a buzz really mellow.
Jared –
Great hash, really potent if you like smoking strong stuff this is what I would recommend.
Lisa –
Mellow high but has a nice sweet taste to it. Really smooth on the bong. Would recommend.
Darinka55 –
Few drops of this on the rig and i was left pretty high! very smooth on a rig not too much of a taste. Would recommend if your looking for something pretty intense.
Teddy Talaipa –
Had a light sweet taste to it , but nonetheless very great stuff, take this any time of the day.
Peter Lam –
This has been a pleasant strain to smoke after work in the afternoon sun. Taste is earthy, burns consistently, very smokable, very affordable.
KennyK –
These buds are wilds and much different than the picture. This was a lighter hybrid with a potent nose and massive keif caked buds.
KennyK –
Love the smell buzz and taste. Would recommend for sure.
Ricky La –
Really great strain, very good both body and mind high. Left my body in a nice relaxing, pain free zone.
Rodger Z –
Definitely some of the best shake I have ever order totally worth your money. Highly recommend if you want your money worth for shatter.