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Pig Dynasty –
hits HARD, and then backs down to it's comfortably numb ride. melts away my anxiety, and dulls my chronic pain. i will definitely be getting it again.
Pig Dynasty –
it brings my creative side up, while mostly letting the rest of me chill (legos are good for this time) ?
RyleyyS –
By far my favorite Indica strain. It made my body feel very relaxed and it also made me feel very uplifted too. It's great for just chilling out, and for helping me sleep. As far as the taste/smell, it smells like berries after you smoke it, and it tastes pretty sweet.
RyleyyS –
It was sticky.. Very frosty and smelled and tasted like berries.. Any where I smoked this at I was instantly "glued". This will put you to sleep if smoked aggressively! Very enjoyable smoke!
RyleyyS –
Experienced the best high of my life with this.
pisces_ –
This was a blast to the moon and back. I felt the full effects within 5 minutes. Although I was blasted I was cognitive and was able to reason just as good as if I were sober. Perfect for that bed time.
pisces_ –
This is my GO TO for kicking back watching a movie and helps me sleep without waking up throughout the night I call it my sleepy time smoke. LOVE IT
pisces_ –
Gelato Cake is amazing! Super long high, Fantastic smell and super dense and really frosty!
timepiece –
Very chill. Great flavor. A perfect high! Highly recommended.
timepiece –
I tried this for anxiety, and I'm sitting here watching TV with a smile on my face. I might dare say it's the best anti anxiety hybrid I've had