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DanSchneiderIsAPredator –
Very relaxing, tiny bit lazy but still mentally active.
DanSchneiderIsAPredator –
yoo! ocular effects tingly body
DanSchneiderIsAPredator –
Perfect strain for stress, sleep and if you wanna be hungry because the munchies are intense lmao
DanSchneiderIsAPredator –
Very nice and earthy. Gave me a pretty relaxing but aware high. Couple of hits and it made my back pain disappear until I passed out.
T-Mac –
Really good. It's a definite pain reliever
T-Mac –
Really enjoyed this strain as in bring up my mood and helps with anxiety.
T-Mac –
Great strain, that leads to a relaxing and stress-less time. good job.
Cynical666 –
Lovin’ it...effects seem to be a bit delayed or creeper like for me. Easy high up with a soft landing. Highly recommend it!
Cynical666 –
Knocked a pause in my day and the sleep was heavenly. Nice taste and mild finish. Heavy hitter indeed
1Shot –
Not everyone is out to use recreationally. A lot of us out here are chronic pain sufferers and are looking for a strains relieving effects. Agent Banana is by far a great strain to kill pain!