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takeoff –
Pleasant, relaxing and clear headed high. Gave me a burst of creativity as well. Tried it before bed but didn't feel like sleeping right away because things seemed too interesting and I was in a good mood... Why waste it on sleeping?
takeoff –
Really strong cerebral high, settles out to a nice mild body buzz. Strong, pungent smoke, nice flavors
takeoff –
It's one of my favorites. nice relaxing feeling.
Mason.K3lly –
The burn was nice and slow and even. The flavour was good. This was definitely hard hitting and probs hands down one of the best I've tried.
Mason.K3lly –
I feel happy but definitely not a giggly mess on this strain. This is absolutely brilliant for sleep. It definitely gets the job done in the evening when I want my appetite enhanced and I just want to chill
Mason.K3lly –
Very potent indica-style effects. If my tolerance has built up, it's a great way to mellow out in bed while browsing the web. If I've taken a T-break, it is a *trip*. Total loss of balance, rambling in gibberish, coma-like sleep. Pretty average effects for euphoria and horniness.
phattyJoints –
Total body relaxation but didn’t end up couch locked. Surprisingly, I was still motivated to do some housework, draw, and paint. Found it fairly smooth didn’t make me feel like I needed to cough up a lung. Produced a very giggly, mood positive high. I did get hit pretty hard with the munchies with it though. I will definitely repurchase this.
phattyJoints –
Amazing for after a long day and looking to relax
phattyJoints –
Decent high. Not the best bud on the market but the price isn't bad
qwerky1 –
Sooo potent. Definitely worth the try.