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  1. 33818

    JimboJones –

    Was very clean smoke and had instant effects also had a great skunky smell was good all around pot. you can definitely tell when someone grows organic nice job MMJ!! Weed will be back for more

  2. 28545

    Greg Henni –

    This strain acts like a heavy Indica,then it gets better with a clear headed buzz that keeps on given!!!! If you have not tryed it your missing a good high at a grate value. You wont regret this buy.

  3. 34320

    JJbean –

    This strain is amazing. Powerful and smooth. Smoke smooth and has a really nice after flavor!

  4. 33818

    JJbean –

    Fantastic strain for my insomnia. You'll be catching the train to sleepy town.

  5. 34320

    flight –

    Fantastic strain. I smoke this and get couch locked instantly. It's hella great when you are trying to get to sleep quickly.

  6. 27021

    flight –

    Absolutely great Indica strain. I love Indicas because the body high is what I mainly desire, and with this strain, it hit that desire right on the head. Great taste, cottonmouth is quite obnoxious, so I recommend being properly hydrated or having some drinks handy. Overall great strain. 4.5 stars

  7. 33832

    flight –

    You can’t go wrong with this one. You will get all the effects you could ever want from weed. Calmness, happiness, social boost, slight hunger, makes music better, decent focus. Makes life feel like you are in the clouds and everything is comfy!

  8. 27465

    bugsey –

    Some of the best weed I've ever had. I hate that it puts you to sleep but man is it good. I highly recommend it.

  9. 34143

    bugsey –

    This is a strain that I can trust to smoke between working-- I'm never couch-locked and it doesn't make me so distracted that I forget work entirely.

  10. 12830

    bugsey –

    This is my new favorite! Amazing taste and aroma. Relaxing and calming.