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agent.platypus –
Incredible. Great for any symptom, definitely increases the appetite. Perfect weed.
agent.platypus –
Great high, with little laziness with it. No paranoia at all, great day time smoke. One of my favorites!
tora –
A godsend for insomnia.
knoxlee –
this particular strain made me relax and unwind when I needed it the most.
tora –
Quite nice. Based off of it right now. It's pleasant and it makes you happy. My mind is just in one place and it's so hard to listen to others who are having separate conversations. Very fruity smell to it and the aroma is very potent, but in a good way.
knoxlee –
super impressed with how it mellows out my body and mind and makes me feel so warm still.
tora –
It's an amazing hybrid strain. Very chilled relaxing smooth and clean. Helped me get energetic and get alot done
knoxlee –
this particular strain made me relax and unwind when I needed it the most
knoxlee –
very mellow strain, nice taste and good good high
Zapper –
This one was a sneaky creeper. Very nice easy high, and I am still going up. Clean tasting, and gentle to those around you that may not like the scent.