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  1. 17707

    Alfonso Diaz –

    Excellent mid afternoon smoke

  2. 17707

    James Santiago –

    The high was very enjoyable. Relaxed, Euphoric, but still focused and energetic.

  3. 91953

    Cristian Sanchez –

    it makes me super hungry and the overall high is super relaxing.

  4. 129020

    Cody Franks –

    It is calming enough to put you to sleep if you were to lie down. No dry eyes or mouth.

  5. 129020

    Gigi Anderson –

    It was very smooth, very tasty, and I received a nice uplifting energy from it

  6. 119196

    Daniela Ryan –

    Smells super citrusy!!!!

  7. 184295

    Daniela Ryan –

    Great strain for muscle cramps!

  8. 49123

    Daniela Ryan –

    Nice sticky buds, real smooth smoke!

  9. 98440

    Daniela Ryan –

    Immediate strong buzz

  10. 108293

    Daniela Ryan –

    Nice sweet tasting buds!