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  1. 36780

    234bowls –

    just wanna chill on the couch and watch some toons

  2. 36780

    padthaiforever –

    A couple of hits of this and you pretty much get slammed into the couch almost senseless for a couple of hours

  3. 36780

    Liam9000 –

    Sweet Dreams is a better night-time smoke than even some pure indicas

  4. 36762

    234bowls –

    totally lovin this sativa. no anxiety for me!!

  5. 36762

    padthaiforever –

    Highly recommended for first timers and if you don't wanna get too baked

  6. 36762

    Liam9000 –

    a good strain if you wanna get mellow and not stoned

  7. 36771

    AncestorNevin –

    Smoothest smoke I've ever had so far

  8. 36771

    ManvirSingh –

    The immediate head buzz slowly worked its way down to the rest of my body. A walk through the forest was enhanced by the trance I was in.

  9. 36771

    Laffable –


  10. 36789

    AncestorNevin –

    Made me sleepy as hell couldn't keep my eyes open. Very strong stuff