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  1. 38876


    A pleasant surprise! An energizing head high that left me actually “enjoying” housecleaning!!

  2. 38725

    Larry Portman

    Very distinct and interesting taste which i quite loved ! Spicy yet cheesy, is as best as i can describe. High is almost immediate and lasts awhile. Good overall!! very happy.

  3. 37263

    Larry Portman

    Good Burst of energy with this, its like taking multiple redbulls at once!!!!

  4. 36561

    Hubert Bowman

    Great product and great tasting. Buying my second batch right now.

  5. 12839

    Larry Portman

    The perfect end of the night smoke, will instantly lull you to sleep.

  6. 37245


    This gets my creative juices flowing, specially when i paint in my spare time. Exceptional Flower!!

  7. 37273


    Quite a stoney high which i loved! Very good quality flower.

  8. 25328

    Zackary Ramirez

    Time passed so quickly and focus was there when I was playing games. i give this 5/5

  9. 23119

    Zackary Ramirez

    great bud, not heavy. good smoke for when you have tasks

  10. 22099

    Jordan Dennis

    Very fruity, and cheap. I enjoy this strain alot