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Nick Weber –
These raspberry ones are delicious. 5 mg THC with 5 mg CBD is the perfect dose of you just want to get a slight buzz without getting high.
Nick Weber –
Bought some of the cherry flavour to try them out. Wow. They taste like any other cherry candy, and will kick and aches and pains right out! I ate two and can confirm it’s a great way to end the day!
jimmytoons –
Great for an end of day strain. Watch a movie or eat something tasty. It will put a smile on your face at the end of a stressful day and welcome relaxation and sleep. ?
darkvador22 –
Great late night strain. Especially if u have troubles sleepin like me, this a really heavy indica that leaves u very relaxed and after about an hour or so u ready for bed!
cheesecakes97 –
Beautiful to look at, and tasty as it is pretty. Great relaxing effects, the death star in there makes for a nice end of the day indica.
darkvador22 –
Great high. Very sweet smelling and tasting. Just heavenly. Beautiful aroma. Sedative and totally relaxing. Mind feels clear and calm.
Ricky Dyer –
A nice and not too overpowering strain. Liking the balance of sativa and indica in this hybrid.
Keegan Schroeder –
Really helpful when trying to finish my work day. Helps get over the slow pace of the day.
Neil Mueller –
Personal favourite here, helps get rid of my anxiety too which is a plus.
Joey Bryan –
Ludicrous buds man. Absolutely killing it with strains like these!