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  1. 84066

    Pete L –

    so I tried the Mike Tyson strain, and man, it's like a trip to another dimension – if that dimension was made of pure THC clouds. This stuff hits harder than Tyson in his heyday, so buckle up, my friends!

  2. 49132

    Margaret P –

    Wow, just wow! I recently tried Death Bubba, and let me tell you, it's like a trip to another dimension without leaving your living room. The name might sound intense, but don't let it scare you away it's more like a cozy journey to relaxation paradise.

  3. 135125

    Tristan Gu –

    No panic, no anxiety, just chill and relaxed.

  4. 128490

    Jack V –

    great taste, pretty smooth, intense, uplifting (in mellow, de-stressing way), and a great bedtime smoke

  5. 124985

    Tanner –

    Takes away all the pain while providing a happy space for your mind to wonder.

  6. 128484

    Lanie B. –

    I went to sleep smiling. When I woke up in the morning I felt like I slept extremely well. 5 Stars.

  7. 124991

    Emmett –

    Great for sleeping, knocks me out!

  8. 26720

    Jackie Wu –

    So grateful for this strain!!!! It's keeping my anxiety attacks from killing me.

  9. 26720

    Farooq –

    amazing taste and amazing relief.

  10. 68514

    Sam Rahman –

    great for night time relaxation