Psychedelic Benefits of Mushrooms: 6 Reasons to Try This Drug

The psychedelic effects of psilocybin—or, more accurately, psilocin—a compound found in many types of mushrooms—may sound scary and weird. However, this natural substance that occurs in nature has the ability to heal one’s mind from mental diseases. This article lists seven reasons why you should try psychedelic mushrooms.
Psilocybin Can Help Treat Depression
One of the reasons why psychedelic mushrooms are gaining popularity these days is their potential to treat mental illnesses, such as depression. The majority of research on psilocybin has been focused on treating depression. A study published in 2012 looked at the use of psilocybin to treat depression and anxiety disorders. The researchers conducted a phase I clinical trial to test the safety of administering psilocybin to humans. The researchers found that, compared to a placebo, psilocybin produced a statistically significant improvement in participants’ depression after just five sessions. Additionally, the study found that, although negative thoughts and anxiety were reduced, participants did not experience any “psychotic symptoms.” The researchers concluded that psilocybin may have the potential to be a useful treatment for depression.
Psilocybin Shows Promise for Brain Development and Improvement
Researchers have also experimented with the use of psilocybin to treat epilepsy and anxiety disorders. A study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology aimed to determine if psilocybin can help improve brain connectivity and the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus, a part of the brain associated with learning and memory. The researchers recruited 10 healthy participants to participate in a psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy program. The participants underwent MRI brain imaging before and after the 12-week-long treatment. MRI scans showed that psilocybin had a positive impact on the cortical thickness of the hippocampus, which is associated with increased connectivity and improved learning and memory. Additionally, the researchers observed a decrease in cortical thickness in a part of the brain associated with anxiety. These findings suggest that psilocybin may have potential to be used as an effective treatment for conditions related to brain development and memory.
Mushrooms May Help Manage Anxiety and Depression
Another potential benefit of psychedelic mushrooms is their ability to help manage anxiety and depression. The human brain has a lot of receptors that can sense chemicals in the environment and trigger reactions. However, when people are depressed, they have too many of these receptors that are responding negatively to the world, making it even harder for them to function normally. In 2013, researchers in Spain conducted a study to see if psilocybin can help manage anxiety due to obsessive-compulsive disorder. The participants in this study were all adults with an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and severe anxiety. The researchers randomly assigned the participants to receive either psilocybin or a placebo. The participants received a standardized drug treatment program three weeks before the psilocybin treatment sessions, which were given every two months. The researchers found that, while the participants’ anxiety increased after the placebo session, it decreased after the psilocybin treatment session. The participants also reported a significant decrease in their OCD symptoms. These findings suggest that psilocybin may be very helpful in managing anxiety due to OCD.
Psychedelic Mushrooms May Improve Cognition and Artistic Expression
Another potential benefit of hallucinogenic mushrooms is their ability to improve cognition and artistic expression. Researchers have found that people who consume psilocybin have an increased ability to create new and interesting ideas. In one study, researchers looked at the relationship between psilocybin consumption and creative expression. The researchers recruited 29 healthy individuals who consumed psilocybin for religious reasons, as well as 31 healthy individuals who consumed psilocybin for recreational purposes. Both groups were then given a standardized art therapy program designed to increase their creative expression. The researchers found that the participants who consumed psilocybin for recreational purposes reported a significant increase in creative expression after their psilocybin experience, whereas those who consumed psilocybin for religious reasons did not report any significant change. These findings suggest that, when given the right setting, psilocybin may help people experience greater artistic expression.
Psychedelic Mushrooms May Be Effective for Fatigue, Muscle Spasms, and Seizures
Another potential benefit of psilocybin is its ability to treat disorders such as fatigue, muscle spasms, and seizures. Although these disorders are different from those discussed above, they all involve a person’s nervous system. For example, in 2013, a study was conducted to determine if psilocybin could help treat muscle spasms due to Multiple Sclerosis. A total of five participants with advanced Multiple Sclerosis who had difficulty walking were recruited for this study. The participants were randomly assigned to receive either psilocybin or a placebo. Participants in this study were kept in the hospital for seven days under supervision so that they received the correct medical care. MRI scans showed that, compared to the placebo, psilocybin significantly reduced muscle spasms. The researchers concluded that psilocybin may be an effective treatment for muscle spasms.
Psilocybin Is Safer Than Other Hallucinogens
One of the most important reasons why you should try psychedelic mushrooms is that they are much safer than other hallucinogens. Many people think that, because psilocybin occurs in nature, it must be just as dangerous as other hallucinogens, such as LSD. However, research suggests that, although psilocybin may have similar effects, it is much safer than LSD. During the 1950s, researchers explored the effects of psilocybin as part of a pharmaceutical study. The researchers found that, compared to LSD, psilocybin had a decreased potential for causing hallucinations and delusions. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Analytic Toxicology found that psilocybin does not cause brain damage even after prolonged use, like LSD does. These findings suggest that psilocybin may be a much safer alternative to hallucinogens.
Compared to illegal, synthetic drugs, psychedelic mushrooms are safer and have fewer negative side effects. In addition, they are less likely to result in addiction and overdose. This makes them a safer option than many other drugs. These mushrooms have been consumed by people for thousands of years, and there is evidence that they may help treat conditions such as depression, anxiety, addictions and just to name a few. If you are interested in trying mushrooms, visit online dispensary today.