Martian Candy, also known as “Martian Candy OG,” is an indica dominant hybrid strain of unknown heritage due to a high level of breeder secrecy. Even though not much is known about its background, we do know that Martian Candy packs a heavy THC level, bottoming out at 21% on average, and hard-hitting effects that are more suited for the experienced user. You’ll feel a cerebral lift first with Martian Candy that hits you pretty quickly after you toke. This effect will leave you lifted and talkative, chatting and laughing with anyone around you with ease. You’ll also feel an influx of creativity, an effect which lends itself beautifully to anything on your to-do list. But you’d better hurry if you want to get anything done – once the body high kicks in you’ll be too sleepy and couch-locked to do much of anything. Thanks to these heavy effects, Martian Candy is the perfect bud for treating chronic fatigue or insomnia, glaucoma, depression, and chronic stress. Martian Candy buds have conical minty green nugs with rich amber hairs coated in clear trichomes. It has a sweet yet spicy herbal earth flavor and aroma accented by rich florals and fresh pine.
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